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The Lord’s Supper, Eucharist, Holy Communion—these different terms refer to the same sacrament shared by most Christian denominations, a symbolic meal.


Communion is celebrated at a table that suggests the dining table in our homes. At the communion table, we acknowledge that Jesus Christ is the host and all are guests. The meal uses the symbols of small pieces of bread and a taste of wine or juice to remind us of Jesus’ last supper with his followers and of God’s enduring love.


The United Church invites all who seek to love Jesus to share in this family meal.


At St. John's, we offer communion in two ways: intinction or in the pews. Intinction is when congregants come up to the front and receive communion by dipping the bread in the wine (juice). "In the pews" is when the bread and wine are passed around the sanctuary. Note: gluten-free options are available. 


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